OneApp is Castle Rock's latest mobile app for iOS and Android. It offers the same feature set as our OneWeb traveler information web site, optimized for GPS-enabled mobile devices
OneApp’s hands-free, eyes-free feature tells the user about upcoming road events and truck parking availability. A Nearby Me feature helps users quickly find what's happening in their area if they share their location.

Just like on OneWeb, users can sign up for personalized accounts, save their favorite cameras and locations for easy access, sign up for text/email alerts and more.
OneApp includes a truckers’ mode that highlights and emphasizes information that is of special interest to commercial vehicle operators.
Available in IOS or Android
Find events near me
Beautiful traffic video streaming
Hands-free, eyes-free feature announces upcoming traffic events and rest stops
Real-time truck parking at commercial and public rest areas using data from the TPIMS program
Links to navigation apps for turn-by-turn directions
MY 511
Full My 511 account features with favorite cameras, routes, areas and alerts
Truckers' mode for commercial vehicle operators
Massachusetts is the latest state to launch Castle Rock’s OneApp as the foundation for its traveler information mobile app for iOS and Android. MassDOT’s OneApp includes streaming videos from across the commonwealth; roadway event information; travel time sign boards; and a regional emergency notification feature.
“This app helps keep me alive in winter when I'm in Idaho. The road conditions reports are updated every 10-15 minutes and are very helpful. This app tells you where precipitation is happening and whether or not the roads are slick, basically in real-time.” – Idaho citizen
If you’re dealing w/the April blizzard today this app might save you! You can see what the roads are like via traffic cams along your route, it tells you everything that’s happening on roads from crashes, closures, speeds, etc as it’s happening. I love that the app will ‘talk’ tell you what’s happening so you don’t have to take your eyes off the road. Very simple and easy to use app. Great design, smartly done. Thank you!! – Minnesota citizen
“ A ton of little things you can turn on, like traffic and plough cams. You can see for yourself what the roads look like besides the assessment the app gives. Very handy for Iowa winters.” – Iowa citizen